Sunday, May 22, 2016

Anti-Inflammatory foods and the relation to common illnesses

Ive slipped up a number of times but I'm working hard to eat an anti-inflammatory diet as much as possible after being diagnosed with costochondritis: an inflammatory issue.
Inflammation has been found to be the cause of most major medical illnesses including heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, alzheimer's and so much more. It is crucial to try to eliminate processed, chemical ridden and inflammatory foods from our bodies in order to live a full, healthy life.
Here is a good list of anti-inflammatory foods from Discover Shaklee on Facebook.
1. Almonds
2. Avocados
3. Broccoli
4. Blueberries
5. Carrots
6. Dry Beans
7. Kale
8. Olive Oil
9. Oranges
10. Salmon
11. Spinach
12. Strawberries
13. Sweet Potatoes
14. Swiss Chard
15. Walnuts
Dr Weil created the anti-inflammatory diet.
And I find his food pyramid very helpful. I have it hanging on my refrigerator door as a reminder, as well as at my desk at work. It is quite different from the traditional food pyramid, but makes much more sense.…/Dr-Weil-Anti-Inflammatory-Food-Pyra…

Lastly, there is a lot of information and recipes on Pinterest I find helpful. This is a link to my anti-inflammatory board that I'm always adding to.
I will soon be posting recipes that include all anti-inflammatory foods that I eat on a regular basis.
If you have any health concerns or any food allergies please talk to your doctor or nutritionist before making changes to your diet.